Saturday, 26 January 2013

Another Tank!

Here is the second tank, Enjoy



 In service: 2040-2048

Full name: Super Heavily Armored 80 Heavy Assault tank

Length: 27.5m

Width: 10m

Height: 14m

Tonnage: 200 Tons(Super Heavy tank classification)

Armor composition: Extremely High Strength Titanium composite, Triple layer acid proof coatings

Thickness; 400mm frontal, 350mm sides, 300mm rear

Primary Armament: (2x) 250mm Extremely high velocity Magazine Fed Rail Cannon(200 round capacity)

Powerplant: twin Fusion reactors with total output rated at 8,000 Horsepower, 10,000FT-LB torque

Crew: 3(1 Driver + 1 Communitications officer + 1 Engineer)

Affiliation: UEA

Manufacturer: New Berlin Tanks LTD.

Similar models: M488 HTD JagdTiger, EHA88HAT King Tiger


The Tiger III design was first unvealed in the new detroit weapons demonstration in 2036. The aim of the new super heavy tank was to replace the ineffective HA78HAT "Bulldozer" tank that was presently in the UEA arsenal. The initial design of the Tiger three was considered, atleast at the time, to be a little conservative. the Initial prototype had a large singlular 280mm cannon, and only 300mm of armor all around. Among the Panther II, the Tiger III was also ordered into production by the UEA procurement committee. When production was ordered, several changes were made from the inital prototype version. Armorment was changed to twin 250mm cannons for better firepower, but also allowed for the use of magazines which was impossible with the previously mounted 280mm cannon on the prototype(the sheer weight of the shells were found to break the hydraulic loaders and slow down turret traverse). Armor was also upgraded for better protection and survivability.

Due to the expense of the Tiger IIIs, Only four were given to each armored division. The price was well worth it though, because to date only about a dozen of the hundred Tiger IIIs ordered have been destroyed in battle. The success of the Tiger IIIs permanently stopped production of the Heavy tank line produced by MOON Heavy industries(The tanks that were decomisioned have been found to be used by the rebel faction as of recently). One of the main reasons that the Tiger IIIs have such a high survivability is due to the Engineer that every tank has to maintain it, on and off the battlefeild. These engineers keep the tank in top condition, and make life saving repairs while in battle that have saved several Tiger IIIs from destrution.

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